Primary Social Work Training Course

Samatol has started a new venture about enlightening students who are really interested to make a career in Social Work. We introduce them to the basics of Social work and the contribution to different systems in societies like the Hospital system, Police system, Women and Child Development Department, formation of trust and other topics about related government departments, acts and rules related to children.


Through these 12 projects, Samatol strives to help every child in need all over India. It is also willing to cover new areas for care and protection of children in India.

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Samatol Varta

Samatol Foundation talks about the Samatol projects, programmes, and rehabilitation of children, child rights, all the processes about child care and protection, interaction with government departments and the information about donations received during the month by publishing in the Samatol Varta. It keeps all the donors, Samatol Friends updated about different activities in Samatol and future events. We also reach out to a larger number of people by publishing Samatol Varta on social media. Samatol Varta aims at giving information about issues related to children in today’s society.

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In order to spread the work done by Samatol Foundation throughout India at a national level, Samatol feels the need to create a strong network among institutions and NGOs that are all over the country. Such a network will support in giving immediate help to any child in distress anywhere in India. This network will help us to locate the families of runaway children and connect easily with them to reunite their children. Samatol aims at creating co-ordination between different government departments and NGOs at national level to solve problem of any child across India. Samatol works with various Government departments like Police Dept., Railways Dept., Social Welfare Dept. and Women and Child Development Dept.

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Working at other railway stations across India for children in distress

Samatol strives to reach out to the maximum number of children that are brought to the cities from different states for several reasons. They are either brought through child trafficking for the purpose of child labour or begging. In order to help them and reunite them with their families, we have started working at several junction stations in Maharashtra such as Pune, Bhusaval, Nagpur, Nanded etc. to help children in distress get immediate help and their faster rehabilitation to their families.

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Awareness Program

Samatol Foundation tries to enlighten the children and their families from rural backgrounds on certain laws that are very important. The major laws applicable to children are Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection) Act, 2015 (J. J. Act, 2015) and Prevention of Children from Sexual Offenses Act 2012 (POCSO 2012), Child labour (Prevention and Regulations) Act 1986, Child Marriage Prevention Act, 2006 and Right To Education Act, 2009. Samatol arranges seminars for spreading awareness among students, parents and teachers. Similarly it arranges sessions for officers in Balgruh, Child officers in police stations and other police officers and also at other NGOs, hospitals, hostels and all other places where there are children. Samatol feels the need to spread such awareness in society and is also getting a prompt response from the same.

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Organic Farming

Organic Farming and Ayurvedic Nursery 

India is our country that gives the slogan Jai Jawan Jai Kisan. Our country is called an agricultural country but in fact in the last 20 years the amount of chemical farming has increased to such an extent that it is filling up the hospitals to a great extent. Because people’s health is being affected by eating only vegetables produced from chemical farming. Even children are getting very sick. The solution to all this should be chemical free farming. Due to cattle rearing, cow dung was obtained. Biogas is made from dung. In this, food is prepared for the children. Biogas produces slurry. It can be produced by vermicompost, cow dung. Due to this, vegetables and other crops grow well in the field. Vegetables prepared without using any kind of medicine are not only organic but also dressed. So organic farming is an experiment trying to balance child-centered upbringing.

Ayurvedic Nursery

The formula of water, forest, land is very very important. We should always be aware of this. Nature has given us nothing but everything. Nursery activity is designed for children to know that Ayurveda is an important part of human life from childhood and to know about the nature and use of trees, plants, fruits and flowers. Many children are not only brilliant in school but can also be brilliant in other studies so children are created a platform.

All kinds of trees and plants are produced in the Samtol nursery. Many children are giving detailed information in this context to people. Many children and adults how this plant is useful for a disease. This is also being explained in detail.

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Annchhatra Seva

Samatol started the Annchhatra Seva in Thane in 2018. It first started in the civil hospital of Thane where food was provided to all the patients. Later, even families of the patients who came from rural areas to get their relatives treated benefitted from this as they had no food options but the outside unhealthy junk. Samatol noticed this need and hence gave a helping hand to these immigrants who came from far off. We apparently offer food for around 150 people every day and till date 40,000 people have taken benefit of Samatol Annchhatra Seva. Even during the lockdown, we helped several people from ST drivers to footpath beggars, labourers (in all around 13000 people) with our initiative. Many people and institutions offer their contribution to this project either by donating food grains or voluntarily coming forward to help us to serve food in Annchhatra.

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Samatol Foundation means Children and their mind transformation (Manparivartan). The backbone of the Indian Social System is Family Structure. If children become strong then only the nations become strong.  The children of the family become the pillar of the family and the nation. The actual identity of children is created by Samatol by doing their Development and Rehabilitation.

 Considering the problems of children, children who come from villages to cities for different reasons are trapped in the cycle of undesirable things in the city and therefore, they miss out on education. India is very well known for Agriculture and thus, one can also be successful in this sector. If children have a skill then they can be the reason for financial and overall development of the nation along with their own personality development, and can escape from crime, which can lead to the progress of the country. Considering all these things, we started training on what is available in rural areas.

 Cow is considered as a very important in our Indian Culture. Many things can be made from cow’s dung and milk and thus she called as ‘ Kamdhenu’ (cow who completes our wishes). Samatol has started its Goseva or Goshala in 2018. Initially, this subject was new for Samatol to work on, and also had a smaller number of cows and facilities for them. In 2019, organization gets the opportunity and then starts the work at its best. Organization start making manure from cow’s dung, Gomutra Arka from Gomutra, Amrutpani and use it in our Organic Farming activity as fertilizers and it continues today also.

Annachatra Seva, started in 2019, because of the support from Goshala and Organic Farming. At present, there are 70 cows in Samatol’s Goseva Kendra. Biogas is made from which we not only get gas but also manure is available through dung slurry. Vermicompost is being made. Children are getting training, development is getting a boost. Children who are being rehabilitated in rural areas are in the Goshala department in their districts, Protecting cows from slaughter. By getting milk, curd, ghee, butter, the health is getting healthier.

 As we prepare the methodology, we connect children who are below 16 years of age, who are out of school, who are interested in agriculture, children who want to take training and are connected to rural areas in Goseva Conservation and Organic Farming. Currently, 10 children are taking training in Goseva Kendra. They are making things like Govarya, Dhupbatti, Gomutra Arka, Vermicompost, Amrutpani etc. Similarly, food items like Ghee, Curd, Buttermilk and Sweets are made at our place. Children are taking training about the same.

  The children are being guided by bringing experts to Samatol Goseva Kendra about the diseases of cows, the fodder they need, care of cows and the effect of climate change on cows, the information given by our sages about cows, breeds and species of cows, the connection of indigenous cows with human culture.

 At present there are 70 cows in Goshala and the number of cows and Nandi (bulls) is increasing every year. Among the tribal communities whose land is in the hills, where tractors cannot reach, Nandis are needed for plowing. Then if the number of Nandis is more, it is given to such farmers as cow donation. Godan is an important part of our culture. Similarly, cows are also given for rearing. So that every house should have Gomata. And when you have a cow in your family, a portion of your food will definitely be taken out for the cow.

Future Plans:

Increasing the number of cows, working on cow species, establishing training centers on the importance of rearing indigenous cows, water, forest, human life is going on everywhere. Healthy, food organic farming and running Importance Guidance Centre.


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Vocational Training Courses for needy children

Samatol has started vocational training for children of 15 years and more at Swami Vivekanand Man Parivartan Kendra at Mamnoli, Kalyan. These children are given basic training in different courses. We conduct training in activities like Tailoring, Plumbing, Welding, Solar, Electrical repairs, Computer Training, Organic Farming, Ayurvedic Nursery and Goseva. Samatol also gives vocational training to needy children in nearby rural areas. This training is conducted for a batch of 10 children for 3 months and a certificate for completion of the course will be given to the students. Samatol is willing to train them with this vocational training to stand on their own feet once they reach their hometowns. They should start their own earnings by doing these activities instead of helping others and depending on them for money.


We train children and needy ladies in society to stitch school uniforms. These uniforms are given to the school students in nearby rural schools. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our children also stitched masks and distributed to everyone in need. Samatol provides them with cloth and tailoring material for stitching uniforms and masks. We are also planning a movement for plastic-free environment. For this, we are training these children and ladies to stitch carry bags from old clothes or old sarees and are distributing them in weekly markets in rural areas to promote the plastic-free environment. We aim to strengthen children and women in society and make them earn their own livelihood.


The majority of children that come in contact with Samatol are school-drop outs. In order to help them lead a life and start their earnings, they must be given some practical knowledge. We acknowledge this and train them in plumbing activities that shall allow them to make their living in the coming future. In fact, we get all the in-house work at camp done by these children. Our only motto is to make them confident and self-sufficient by indulging them in such activities.


Apart from plumbing, we also train children in the welding work. These technical fields can help them carve a niche in the coming future by either helping someone or starting their own workshops. The trainers give basic information about material required for welding and teaches them assembling of various welding products. They can assemble any rack or shade with their welding skills. This will enable them to make small changes in their house on their own and learn some fabrication work on small scale to help them earn good money

Solar Energy

Solar Energy is one natural form of energy available freely and in abundance. In today’s scarce sources of energy ‘Solar Energy’ is coming forward as a better option for generating electricity. Solar Energy can be used in commercial as well as residential set-ups. Samatol conducts vocational courses in solar energy to give basic information about solar energy components like solar panels, battery, wiring system under the guidance of expert lecturers. Through this, Samatol is introducing children to newest form of energy and create a new source of livelihood to them.

Organic Farming

Samatol has children majorly from rural areas who come to the cities and stay in open public places like stations, roads, and gardens. With the passage of time they get habituated to eating adulterated food which may cause health problems to them. To make these children aware about this and to provide them nutritious food, Samatol has started organic farming in its camp using gobar (cowdung) and go mutra (cow urine). All vegetables produced in these farms are used for our camp children which is why they are now healthy and fit. We plan to provide these vegetables to other sections of the society as well. This will help to create a healthy society free from diseases.

Ayurvedic Nursery

In today’s world, due to various diseases and health issues, people prefer Ayurvedic medicines over allopathic medicines. Keeping this in mind, Samatol has developed Ayurvedic Nursery as a part of vocational training. Plants like Tulsi, Alovera, Neem and other ayurvedic plants are grown in our nursery with the help of children. They are also given information about these plants and their uses for good health. This is how we are aiming at a healthy child friendly society.

Computer Training

The children in vocational training are given exposure to the world of computers as well. They are given basic information about hardware and software in computer system. In today’s era, we believe every child should be aware of computer technology and its importance and Samatol children are no exception. In every field of life and in every job, computer knowledge is required. The children in vocational training get acquainted with computers and their functioning which will be very beneficial in their future endeavours.


These vocational training programmes are designed taking into account of the needs and skills of children mainly coming from rural areas of all over India. They are either less educated or completely uneducated but every child has some in-built skill which can help them to stand on their own feet. We present an opportunity to all these children to use their skills to become Atmnirbhar (independent) and carve their own futures.

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Rehabilitation of Children from Balgruh by Samatol

We strongly believe in rehabilitating every child with their family. Children must return to their families after acquiring new skills and a changed mindset which will help them to lead their lives by their own and in the correct way. Samatol undergoes rehabilitation of children in Balgruh with their families. Samatol is of the opinion that a child should not be there with Balgruh for a very long time but he should go back to his family after a certain period. However, often Balgruh opposes this opinion and doesn’t give permission for the rehabilitation of children in their Balgruh. But in Samatol, we think that rehabilitation of every child has to be done and we are trying to reunite children with their families to give them a more secured life ahead.

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