- +9122 2545 4838, +91 915 241 3942
- foundationsamatol@gmail.com
Man Parivartan Kendra at Mamnoli, Kalyan
While all the children that have been exposed to various situations in the city might not turn into good individuals, there is a chance that a minority of them may be following bad habits because of the company. Thus, Samatol for this very reason bifurcates children into two categories, new children and old children. Out of these, old children are addicted to drugs and are involved in criminal activities. We counsel and enlighten these children on changing their current lifestyles and bring them in the main stream of the society. Our Man Parivartan Kendra is set in the natural environment at Mamnoli near Kalyan. Having run 40 camps till now we have rehabilitated more than 8,000 children to date who are doing very well in their families.

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