- +9122 2545 4838, +91 915 241 3942
- foundationsamatol@gmail.com
Temporary Open Shelter
While working at the railway junction station, we see two types of children.
1. Newcomers
2. Old children
who are staying at the station. It is important and necessary to accommodate new children temporarily as early as possible before they get mixed with the life of a new city. As per the Juvenile Justice Act 2015, the care and protection of the children has to be arranged according to the law, so Samatol has arranged in such a way that the children will get the facilities near the station. With respect to this law, Open Shelter Home was started in 2009 at Gala No. 55, Dadoji Konddev Stadium,Mahanagar Palika, Thane with the permission of the Department of Women and Child Welfare, Government of Maharashtra. Samatol introduce the idea of open shelter and then government adopts it.

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